Re: New Hero Wars list

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 14:03:13 +1000

> "Open discussion of Hero Wars. This list will not be moderated by
> members of Issaries or those close to Issaries. So post what you
> want. You maybe be ridiculed By other list members start any deep
> discussions about windmills, yurts or any sickening fawning to Hero
> Wars authors."

Another Gloranthan list to share the overlap between the Digest, the HW and HW-L lists.
*** huzzah....***

I'm intrigued. Is it meant to be cathartic - a repository for all the flamewars, source-text inerrancy squabbles, hissie fits, sulking and fundo/non-fundo, Greg/Issaries/HW/OTG/duck/grognard/analogue rants, sort of like alt.hero_wars.flame? 'Better World Building through Ridicule?'

Or has it some more noble purpose - a vehicle for unrestrained exploration of key issues like deviant durulz sexuality, or why the cows are not what they seem? If so, I'm in!

But why the lack of detail? What happens if you happen to like yurts? Or windmills? Or fiords? Why the barely understandable description? Who is our mysterious (non) moderator? Are bad manners compulsory? And what happens if simple courtesy, friendship, and co-creativity get mistaken as fawning? Will you get banned?

Sweet Mystery of Life...


nysalor_at_...                 John Hughes

I told you, bird brain, I am not Jenning anymore. I am now one of the dark overlords of the universe.

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