Re: HPs and normal abilities house rule.

From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 17:35:31 +0000

>I suggest you wait a bit longer before restricting HP usage. If players
>are going to start throwing HPs around like confetti everytime things
>don't quite go their way, they will soon suffer. Those who spend their
>Hero Points on improvements will become MUCH more powerful than those who

Which includes things like learning Secrets. Starkval's Secret is no use unless you've learnt it in the first place.

"The T'ang emperors were strong believers in the pills of 
immortality.  More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals 
in the T'ang than in any other dynasty" - Eva Wong _The Shambhala 
Guide to Taoism_

Paul K.

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