Re: HPs and normal abilities house rule.

From: Graham Robinson <gjr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 09:32:58 +0100 (BST)

On Fri, 4 May 2001, Olli Kantola wrote:

> I made a house rule after my first Hero Wars session about using Hero
> points. My players finished of a wyrm that was supposed to discourage them
> from killing everything that they encounter (or rather to warn them that
> there must be another way sometimes :) in the following campaign.

I suggest you wait a bit longer before restricting HP usage. If players are going to start throwing HPs around like confetti everytime things don't quite go their way, they will soon suffer. Those who spend their Hero Points on improvements will become MUCH more powerful than those who don't. Anyone who is using hero points for anything other than 'avoid a fumble to save my life' and 'make it a critical to slaughter the opponent' will regret it sooner than you think. Hero Wars is very much a system that encourages you to take the lumps, safe in the knowledge that it is very difficult to actually die... Unless your GM is very cruel.

> I have had urges to tune even bumping magic when I have calculated some
> mosterous augments that you can get using a HP to get a major victory.
> (How about an almost surefire ^20 edge for the entire fyrd with Starkval
> secret, 15W affinity and a heropoint. You can do even more incredible
> stuff if you use additional rituals.) On the other hand I think that
> Glorantha is a magical world, so magic needs to be really good stuff.

What is Starkval's secret? I'm at work so I don't have any books to look up, but unless it doubles the edge automatically AND affects the entire fyrd this seems unlikely. A rough calculation gives only a slightly better than fifty fifty chance of a bonus, even spending a hero point, and the player ought to be suffering multiple target penalties.


Graham Robinson			The Stableyard - Internet Solutions

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