Re: Just a quick question

From: Jarec <jarec_at_...>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 14:57:15 -0000

> That's also why I don't see a problem with occasional item that
> the results table (the slaying weapon that kills at any level of
> defeat, for instace)
> Such things just won't be written up by any player. They would be
> rare, powerful and undoubtedly infamous artefacts. If you wan't it,
> quest for it, and parhaps you will succeed. 2HP just won't cut it.
> -Adept

Definitely agree. If all magic weapons are just +1/+2 etc what is the point in having any form of description other than a name. In fact I would probably limit something like a slaying sword to being real cool against the named foe and just a normal sword against anything else. But yes such items are rare and you just can't or at least shouldn't be able to buy them, no matter how good the justification.

Proliferation sounds like God Learner mass production to me.


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