Re: Trade Route of Dragonpass and Sea

From: jorganos <joe_at_...>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 12:04:37 -0000


> 1) Dragonpass trade route: I and Efendi discussed long about
> which Trade Route is best for Kethaelan Merchants to bring
> commodities to Peloria, Gerald mentioned river route though
> there are marsh (north of Shadow Plateau) and the Upland Marsh
> and Beast Valley between Esrolia and Sartar
> through Lysos River. (I cannot agree about it.)

The River trade route is handled by barge-ducks and connects the great port of Nochet to the docks of Duck Point. Fazzur's anti-Duck decree of 1613 stopped most trade...

As far as I know, there is no riverine trade upriver from Duck Point, and downriver you have to brave Beast Valley and the Dammed Marsh.

> Efendi think Sartar Dynasty's achievement for making good
> roads are mercantile for Sartar's attitude to civilization
> and style of rulership. But I talked him about the
> Kitori tribe, recent connection of tarshite King Moirades
> and FHQ, and independence of each Sartar tribes. And I suggested
> him Grazeland route though Lunar Armies seems cautiously to
> avoid trespassing the boundary of Grazers in each campaigns.

Sartar established the trade posts of the Grazelands, providing an alternative route. I'd be careful about transporting stuff the Grazers might covet, though, or your trader might end up gifting his merchandise to ambitious chieftains.

The Grazers dislike huge armies foraging from their Vendref, preferring to do so themselves, therefore there's no great secret in keeping Lunar forces out of the region. In 1605, Euglyptus' great army must have passed through, though.

> (Many Articles about the Route of Lunar Army in
> Dragonpass Campaign.) What is the condition of trade route
> in grazeland and Black Horse County?

Probably a strip of low-growth open land up to half a mile wide with wagon tracks mudding up, meandering through obstacles. I.e. like a medieval European road where the Romans had not built one earlier.

> 2) Sea Sailing Speed: As an academic of professional History,
> he calculated sailing speed of ancient people boats and ships,
> but while I referred to Missinglands p94-100, he was really
> upset by the sailing speed which I think Greg Stafford himself
> wrote down it for his campaign, (I guess at least past
> one time Greg finished the Journey of Argrath and Harrek
> circumnavigating the Homeward Ocean clockwise as in Argrath's
> Saga.) He said that was "Nintendo-game" like speed even that he
> can accept it as a deed of greatest heroes of modern 17C
> Glorantha. He think Glorantha People need a lot of time
> for sailing approximately ten times more than Greg's writings.
> (For example, Greg wrote from Jrustela to Seshnela 7 days. But
> Efendi thinks from Sog City to Northpoint 5 days.....) Certainly
> Killer Current will take slow Boaters if Efendi thought
> Gloranthans hold only such poor navigation skills.....

The trans-doom current routes are probably similar to sailing a maelstrom or a dangerous narrow (straits of Gibraltar, Messina and the like), requiring optimum wind and current conditions. Perhaps this works a bit like the sailing from Troy into the Black Sea, with ships gathering there to await good conditions.

Sog to Northpoint is coastal sailing, so night sailing might be dangerous.

I'm away from my sources right now, but I seem to recall that the Vikings crossed from Trondheim in Norway to Iceland in about 23 days.

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