Re: Duck Keywords

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 08:59:34 +1000

Beautiful Tadaaki, just beautiful Tealophiles everywhere salute you!

In my own ducks, I always give them a 'Twagic' skill, or even a 'Twagic, twagic'. And both 'Exasperwate' and 'Feel Insecure' are common.

Here is Quackbeth, dwead bandit of the Ironspike trail...

Dread Quackbeth the Hueymakt

(One-legged Durulz bandit, Male, Devotee of Hueymakt)

Close Combat 12w2, Stwand and Delibber 7w, Exasperwate 19, Quack Fu 18, Feel Insecure 12w.

Respect your durulz folks, for they are twagic creatures of great dignity and beauty of soul. And where would rainy Lagerwater be without its duckboards? :)


nysalor_at_...                              John Hughes

He is a good liar, who lies with witnesses.

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