Re: Re: Mailing lists

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 14:52:27 +0100

>Although i like to delve into the esoteria and background of
>I am only really interested in the Dragon pass region. The GD is
>filled with discussions about areas i, and i think most others, never
>play in. For me these are mostly noise

And this is the whole problem I can see. Mick sees the GD not as "too deep" but "too broad". He wants a narrower list, depth (presumably) unlimited. Julian proposes a "broader" but "shallower" list than Mick. Jane has just chimed in with something both broader and narrower (add Prax & Yelmalians, lose all those lovely sorcerous types in Black Horse Country).

No one list can please anyone. If we keep the number small (am I the *only* person who sees the benefits of this?) then *ALL* lists will be a compromise. They won't *perfectly* please anyone. But unless you create your own perfect list, you won't be perfectly happy with anyone else's anyway.

Is it really too much to ask that people try and compromise a bit first?


Graham Robinson

Glorantha Digest Moderator

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