Re: Re: Thunder During Snow?

From: Gerald Bosch <gbosch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 20:17:15 -0500

S Ben Melhuish wrote:

> Bryan wrote:
> Behind our house was a huge (40'+ tall) beech tree. Every branch and
> twig was coated with ice, and it looked like a majestic, murderous
> crystal chandelier. Where branches were normally 15'+ from the ground,
> they bent down so that a (foolhardy) person could break off an icicle
> (thus possibly shaking the already-strained branch to the breaking
> point, bringing down ice-laden limbs). The back yard was beautiful and
> shining and magical, and my parents made us stay out of that corner of
> the house for fear that a stray gust of wind would bring a branch down
> into the kitchen.

We saw this here in NC one year ago this week. The trees were covered with ice and many simply split in half or fell over. Of course, everything else was covered as well. The result was over a million people without power, and I had to flee to one of my player's homes because we lost power for 5 days (the college I work at was dark for 7 days.)

Ah... magic : )


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