Re: re: No common magic feats for Heortlings [was: Heortling Collectives for Common Magic]

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 21:55:23 +0000 (GMT)

> Which brings me to another point -- how
> restrictive is that "only
> magic from your god" clause for the devotee? I can
> see giving up feats,
> powers, common magic, and so on, but they get
> various boosts from being
> part of the communal worship of a pantheon -- does
> that also go away?

> How about the Humakt devotee?

I'd point out here that Humakt, complete with separation from kin, is very much a special case, and the extreme of what's possible or impossible. Don't go there! Use any of the other deities as examples, but not Humakt!

But, having said that, there's a specific geas to stop Humakti accepting magical healing, or accepting healing of any sort from non-Humakti. Which implies that without that geas, accepting non-Humakti magic cast by other people is possible. So one would have thought that for anyone, concentrated or not, accepting magic cast by others is OK.

Jane Williams                                   

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