Re: The Masks of Moonson

From: light_castle_at_...
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 23:58:45 -0000

Hi Nick.

> > So the only "known for sure" part is that when the Red Goddess
> > she left her Son in charge. He could die and come back, always the
> > same. (He didn't just exist unchanging.)

> I know some folk who'd argue with "Son" (vs. "Lover"), but they're
> heretics. And, as we all know, <newspeak> "there are no heresies in
> the Lunar Way" </newspeak> :-)

Indeed. There are noheresies. We are all us. And after all, when you are a god, what is the difference between "son" and "lover"?  

> > Then he tangled with Sheng, and now he dies and comes back in a
> > different body. And he seems to have different personalites with
> > each body (but all his knowledge). Oh, and become completely weird
> > and decadent with giant sex and drug and magic parties. (or
> > something)
> Apparently so, yes.

Nice work if you can get it.

> > And there are those people we try not to pay attention to who
> > occasionally mention that the "Real Moonson" is living in
> > exile in the far east.
> Oh, *those* people!

Yeah, *those* people. :) (Personally, I love that tidbit. Whether true, a pretender, or a complete fabrication, it's just wonderful for gaming purposes.)


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