Re: Re: Last Refuge of Scoundrels

From: Stephen Tempest <e-g_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 19:34:53 +0100

Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...> writes:

>>It is of course tempting to think of the Kingdom of War as the karmic
>>balance to Loksalm, that as Loksalm made itself ever more virtuous,
>>its cast off sins somehow came to rest in the Kingdom of War. But
>>surely that can't be....
>It's what Greg thinks. One might temper this with blame from other
>countries (i.e. Riverjoin's responsibility is mentioned in Tales #20)
>but Loskalm bears much of the blame.

Since there are hints that Loskalm isn't quite as sweetness-and-light, pure and good as it presents itself, but has some nasty secrets at its core... does this mean that the Kingdom of War has a corresponding well-hidden nice side?


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