RE: Low level HQ

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 08:14:21 +0100

> Has anyone on the list run an HQ campaign where characters have
> moderate abilities and spend their time in the mundane plane?

I've done this with a HW campaign in the past. Adult players, most of whom knew next to nothing about Glorantha. We started pre-initiation, and taught the players about their society at the same time as the characters were learning, more or less. Some hero-plane interaction for the initiation rites, but the main "adventures" before and after were very mundane. Assisting in a cattle-raid, going as part of an escort to the nearest town, what happened when a trader arrived, finding a lost sheep (not stolen, just lost), and so on. The last thing we did was the Rainbow Mounds.

It worked well, but I think HQ rather than HW would work even better, simply because low-level characters can have common magic (I had to hand-wave something similar). And auto-augments will be far better than rolling for augments on a 13 skill (they failed far too often and got discouraged from using augments at all).

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