Re: Karse, Heortland

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 17:37:14 -0000

> How about 1 season in each region, then Dark Season in his
> And of course Holy Time at some ritually significant site
> (Whitewall?).

Personally, I don't think this should be carefully linked to a seasonal path. Way too many places that the Heortlending King needs to visit. The route is probably determined more by political need (there is a dispute between the baron of Hustula and the folk of Bullpen that the king must mediate - bring the royal household there) and by supplies (the barony of Euban had a very good harvest and that would be a good place to winter). Besides, I'm sure there are ceremonies and rituals the High King needs to conduct wherever he goes.

I'm pretty darn certain that the Heortlending High Kings don't perform many ceremonies in Whitewall - at least no since Hardrard the Green proclaimed himself High King of the Volsaxi in defiance of the Heortlendings and the Pharaoh.


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