Re: Death of Balastor

From: Mike Dawson <mdawson_at_...>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 14:19:00 -0000


I love this idea, and could even imagine it turning into a flashback in my Rass game.

I'd add a "Scene 0" where Balastor loses a political argument with Jokat Pulos, setting up the ultimate fall of the Perfect City.

Or some sort of treachery in there somewhere. Every story needs a well-meaning but wrong-headed traitor.

Perhaps during a break in the assault on Balastor, tendrils of darkness come to the heroes, whispering temptations of wealth, spared lives, spared loves? "Hoomaaan...we no care about yooou...wee musst know Balasstor cannot harm our the door and let us have him. We will leave your city then, leave its temples untouched, leave your home..we swear." Etc.

I'd love to work with you on fleshing this out.

Mike Dawson

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