Re: Offices in Kethaela

From: pmaclanderson <pmanderson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 01:54:23 -0000

I forget which obsolete write-up I have this from (Compendium 2? Doubtless Peter Metcalfe will be glad to Show Us All...) YGWV.

But it really doesn't matter much. Many Kethaelans don't know there is a seventh official language; almost all those that do speak of it as Pharaoh's Tongue (may he live forever), and know at most the few dozen official titles in it (including words for "Throne", "Council", "audience").

Jrusteli is an extinct language, which used a non-phonetic script. Except for Heroes who remember it, very few people will know what it sounded like, and of those fewer still will know Kethaela well enough to recognize Pharaoh's Tongue as Jrusteli. With a good roll, you get "Unknown language, possibly Western". It would take such unlikely combinations as a Goldentongue who trades between Kethaela and most of the Western nations; or a Sage who studied in the Holy Country, and whose field involves the *pronunciation* of Second Age Western languages (like Second Age Brithini enchantments on ironwork). And how likely is that? :}

Well, yes, I do think Temertain has figured it out; but, being Temertain, he doesn't regard it as important, and hasn't mentioned it to anybody. (Once a year or so, he cites a form from "3rd Age Jrusteli" in the question time after his lectures - and since he's Prince of Sartar, everyone is polite and doesn't discuss this obvious lapse...)

> >
> > Since the system has been devised by the Jrusteli Belintar,
> Why Jrusteli? I mean, we don't know where he comes from, nor what
> his powers.
> I really like what you wrote on the City of Wonders, the logothetes
> all. I love titles :-) If you're interested, you will find our take
> it on :

Thank you; I like much of what is there; but had no access to it when I had to invent on the fly. I did borrow the Classification adepts from you. I think there should be a lot of syncretism in CoW, so I devised a LM Sage from the Caladran Spider clan whose field is Current Events...
> and more generally on, and clicking on
> 'Harmony' rune (links to the City of Wonders/Pharaoh articles).
> Philippe

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