Re: Re: Why the Ducks *will* win

From: Nick Eden <nick_at_...>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 18:27:35 +0100

On Mon, 23 May 2005 10:10:32 -0000, you wrote:

>By the way, did you know that 'Huey' is 'great' in Nahuatl? But I
>and thank Keith for the buccaneering, goggle-wearing, Nasobeme-
>Durulz Sky-Pirates of the Praxian Wastes... That would be a great
>Homeland or Heroband. I'm actually being moderately serious. I feel
>picture coming on...

You should probably lay down until you recover.

But if you don't, I'll happily find a home for it on

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