RE: Re: Magic systems and the nature of Glorantha

From: Mike Holmes <mike_c_holmes_at_...>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 16:11:11 -0500

>From: "Rob" <robert_m_davis_at_...>

>Greg went on to explain, in his opinion, what a real mystic is like,
>someway to explaining what his understanding of their goals are, and in
>summary, how unsuitable and uninspiring they are to play. I
think just doesn't want the chop-sokey type mystic or parlour charlatan type cariacuture in Glorantha.

Fine. I wasn't intimating in any way that I'd want this either, nor that any such rules would for such character types would ever be made.

>Mystics then have no skills or relationships. They are superfluous to
>their existence, and interfere with the detachment necessary to reach

Well, the successful mystic, yes. All of them are to some extent unsuccessful, however, and so will have skills and such. Further, the ability rating that I'm describing as a relationship would really be more a rating of just how detached he'd become from these things.

Yes, the "secret" of mysticism would be to become one with everything and dissapear. Not too dissimilar to the secrets of great gods, really.

Now, I'm pretty sure that most players aren't ready to play a character who is trying to interact less with the world, but I think it's not unplayable.


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