Re: Lunar Occupation of Sartar

From: Stewart Stansfield <stu_stansfield_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 13:10:14 -0000

A quick note to apologise to Jeff -- I was over-snappish; just one of those things that rubbed me up the wrong way at the time. Sorry, Jeff.

> The historical analogue I spotted was not the
> Inquisition. I take it they test for Orlanth worship
> by seeing if the accused drowns when dropped in water?
> If he doesn't, he's guilty, burn him! And so on....

"You are all of you confessed followers of outlawed Orlanth. However, these proceedings shall be carried out through due process of Lunar Law. What law demands we shall satisfy. You will each be tied in a prescribed fashion and cast from this cliff. Should you fall to your deaths we will know that your confessions are false. If on the other hand the winds rise to delay or arrest your descent, then your confessions of sedition are proven beyond a doubt, in the sight of the Red Goddess, and you will be hauled back over the precipice and crucified until you are dead."



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