Re: Uleria in the East?

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2006 16:53:47 -0700

YGWV Quoting Santo Sengupta <s.santo.sengupta_at_...>: but I have rearranged some of his paragraphs.

> I wonder how much of a God-Learner construct our present understanding
> of Uleria is in any case. She seems like the kind of mythological
> being that the God-Learners would have loved to manipulate in order to
> prove their Monomyths.

The God Learners were not always wrong in their knowledge and undestanding. Uleria is not one of their constructs.
More likely, the existence o Uleriainto historical times was one of the things that could have inspired the GL to bend their inquiries towards the monomyth.

Uleris is one of the basic, essential buyilding blocks of the universe. She is also one of the very, very few of the "celestial court" entities to survive the God Wars, Darkness and into historical times. She is a vast, perhaps incomprehensible entity encompassing all kinds of love and desire. When she is worshipped as the goddess of sexuality, she has been diminished to only one of her tiny aspects.

> One of my players asked if Uleria was worshipped in Teshnos, and while
> I am certain She is, I'm not sure about any of the details.

Love is certainly acknowledged in the east! Not as Uleria, but then, of course not. Uleria is the Orlanthi name for her. And I'd say that certainly She is worshipped someplace. I am sure that, somewhere, there is an island i Vithela is Her island.

> I would
> presume she would be part of the Fuel Cults there, associated with

Probably so, as the object of desire she would be fuel.

> their Goddess Kab Vanarana Sa ("She is Love!").

Frlom whence this entity? I've not found her in Revealed Mythologies.

> One possibility could
> be that these two goddesses are in fact the same. Uleria could be one
> of KVS's daughters, or perhaps her mother. (Or both, depending on who
> you ask..)

In general, Uleria is no one's daughter except Creator/Creatrix...

> Is Uleria worshipped in Kralorela? Perhaps she is in the form of
> Yothenera, who tamed the First Dragon, Dogsalu.

Yothenera certainly has many of the attriburtes and similiar storeis of the Goddess of Love.

> It seems to me that
> the East Islanders don't know of Uleria, but the Gods Iste and the
> Goddess Yothenera fill that cosmological role (and the Cosmic Dancers
> Majadan and Erdires)

Of course the cycle of Desire and The Desired, with its pursuit and multifarious resolutions, is repeated over and over.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Shattuck AVe, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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