Re: Uleria in the East?

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...>
Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2006 13:30:14 -0700

YGWV Hello Santo and crew,

>> The God Learners were not always wrong in their knowledge and
>> under standing.
>> Uleria is not one of their constructs.
>> More likely, the existence of Uleria into historical times was one of
>> the things that could have inspired the GL to bend their inquiries
>> towards the monomyth.
> That is good to know.

And let me say, too that "towards the monomyth" also (often) means "towards mysticism" So no wonder they were confused!!

>> Uleris is one of the basic, essential buyilding blocks of the universe.
>> She is also one of the very, very few of the "celestial court"
>> entities to survive the God Wars, Darkness and into historical times.
>> She is a vast, perhaps incomprehensible entity encompassing all kinds
>> of love and desire. When she is worshipped as the goddess of
>> sexuality, she has been diminished to only one of her tiny aspects.
> Are the Celestial Court entities all God-World beings? From reading
> the entry in Anaxial's Roster on Tlintae, it seemed that partook
> equally of all 3 otherworlds.

You are very perceptive.
The Celestial Court are the divine perception of the essential runic beings that underlie everything. Most people do not know that in Glorantha, of course.

>> > One of my players asked if Uleria was worshipped in Teshnos, and while
>> > I am certain She is, I'm not sure about any of the details.
>> Love is certainly acknowledged in the east! Not as Uleria, but then,
>> of course not. Uleria is the Orlanthi name for her. And I'd say that
>> certainly She is worshipped someplace. I am sure that, somewhere,
>> there is an island in Vithela that is Her island.
> Along with her Mystic Cities, like Zoria and the like. In my
> campaign, I've introduced Zorazed, a Teshnan variation reached by
> navigating a maze of shifting magical gateways.

Yes, the Cities of Love.

>> > their Goddess Kab Vanarana Sa ("She is Love!").
>> From whence this entity? I've not found her in Revealed Mythologies.
>> From HeroQuest Voices. Sadly there is not very much in RM that is
> directly applicable to Teshnos.
>> From that:
> "We are different in that our bodies are dominated by the flames of
> Great Somash - He is Life! - while women's souls are dominated by the
> fuel of Kab Vanarana Sa - She is Love!"
> "Kab Vanarana Sa is the Great Goddess. Her nin hundred daughters
> provide us with sustenance and health. All of the products in this
> shop and warehouse are gifts of a daughter, and all things that are
> worn, eaten, or known come from more daughters, and all the pleasures
> and troubles that a person can make are her daughters."

I must've taken an extra stupid pill this AM, because I Can't find where this quote is from. What source?

> In my Teshnos game, I've been using Samkhya Yoga philosophy in regards
> to Purusha, the Cosmic Man, being associated with Flame, and Prakriti,
> the Primordial Nature, being Fuel.

That is correct.

>> > One possibility could
>> > be that these two goddesses are in fact the same. Uleria could be one
>> > of KVS's daughters, or perhaps her mother. (Or both, depending on who
>> > you ask..)
>> In general, Uleria is no one's daughter except Creator/Creatrix...
> Does Uleria have surviving children?
>> > It seems to me that
>> > the East Islanders don't know of Uleria, but the Gods Iste and the
>> > Goddess Yothenera fill that cosmological role (and the Cosmic Dancers
>> > Majadan and Erdires)
>> Of course the cycle of Desire and The Desired, with its pursuit and
>> multifarious resolutions, is repeated over and over.
> Unless one follows the Kambolic or Sivolic paths, and can
> integrate/achieve unity with the Cosmic Lovers.

Yes, of course.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Shattuck AVe, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

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