Status report on the new edition of HQ

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:23:42 -0000

Just to let folk know - I just finished my last edits to the new Glorantha magic rules for HQ 2.0 and the team is making the final spell-checks and similar edits. Art will still take a little more time, but the contents of this baby are pretty much finished.

And boy is it cool. Really cool. Really fantastically cool.


> I still read the list, and post occasionally. Thing is when I
heard a new edition was coming out with some substantially new mechanics, I sort of put my HQ plans on hold - and it's been quite a while now. Is the edition still do to launch at Continuum? And is Blood Over Gold finally going to be available in hard copy then? Basically it comes down to waiting till Auguist on my part, plus i have a lot of rpg commisions ot work on for strict deadlines, so my HQ playing is very limited till late summer...
> cj x
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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