I fought, we won.

From: TERRA INCOGNITA <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_...>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 17:39:33 +0900

I don't know how Greg Stafford thought about the final stage of Great Darkness, and "I fought, we won." were generally described as an obscure scene, that dissolves personality of main character, such as Only Old One, Heort, Heart of Weakness, or other Heroes from every cultures. I read King of Sartar by Greg, Saga of Vingkotling by Jeff Richard, Kingdom of Night by Shannon Appel, and finally reached my original theory. But perhaps it is not good to all of Heortling Image.

   I fought, we won.

 Even after Heort came back to Winter Deer clan with Ivarne, he hadn't long wedded with her, because she wasn't shameless (though she entertained his clan with beautiful songs as she entertained her father) and Heort had to accomplish many great feats for marrying with her as Orlanth did for Ernalda. He awoke her with so many oaths that never could be solved easily. Anyway, there was no time for happy couple at that age, because the World itself shattered and the fabric of it was unraveled by Predark.

 Though Wakboth and Kajabor fought among themselves in the army of Chaos, (Wakboth sent Kajabor to Underworld to stop Orlanth) and Urox finally sealed Wakboth under the chip of Spike, already Spike was destroyed. Vinga took care of wounded Elmal over the Kero Fin, there were no Divine guardians to Vingkotlings after Last Royal Betrayal. And Minions of Chaos and Trolls were always prowling among them and ate the last Good People by chance, World itself became very unstable and whimsical by the Will of Chaos.

 For Winter Deers, the worst report was come from the clan's Hantrafali Augury. Some of them fell down in a faint by shock because they realized "Orlanth is betrayed by Eurmal and he now lay down in the Deepest Pit of Hell and nearly dead." A few of stouthearted godi argued about how they had to do without any hope. "We must surrender to the minion of Chaos for survival!" "What a foolish word! We must fight until Death will fall down upon us!" Trolls were hostile to them as Chaos because Hidden Kings ate Trolls as his subjects. Finally, without any decision, the men and women, children who could still wield some weapon or sharp things, armed and went to their last battle field. Because Chaos closed to them again.

 Ivarne and Heort ignored that pathetic sight and went to the place where they could still be couple. Heort told her,
"Now I am frightened for perhaps I cannot keep my oaths."
Ivarne asked,
"Then, now do you want to break your oaths?"
"No, I'll keep Oath or die in the way. I am frightened only for our death
may useless and meaningless. I'm sorry if awaking of you was a mistake." Ivarne kissed him and she also took her weapon.

 The boy was the Second Son of Vingkot, who became the Great King of Orlanthi after Orlanth took Divinity and Humanity apart. When he was born, Three Kolati Shamanesses who knew better than any Godar about Underworld and deads visited to Summer Wife's tula and gave a blessing and gifts to him, as they felt both Great Peril closing and great Virtue in his heart which might resolve the Peril. Third Witch named him Hengall and gave a most precious treasure...a star to him, she buried it deep in his heart by her magic.

 Someone poisoned Hengall in his drink of the Great Feast, Hengall grew up to a giant by the poison in a night, so he could not found his own tribe as other Vingkotssons or daughters. He lonely armed himself and left from his family without any solace, because Chalana Arroy was busy at that time for healing other people. He went to the northern Edge of the world as his father Vingkot though he didn't know who poisoned him. And he sought honorable Death as his father, fighting with Predark.

 But he was bestowed by Kolati Witches magical sight, that led him to the border of Sky and Earth through Shortcut. He found there Great Clack to the Hollow of Chaos. When he came here, he found he could not escape from Shortcut again, and his Star in the heart twinkled than ever it had been. And monsters of Predark always sought light for eating, Hengall could not escape or die, because the poison running in his body didn't permit him do so, always healed his body. And Hengall could not escape from Great Threat to the world of his family, though they abandoned him. He forgot anything except constantly killing the minions of Chaos wanted to invade the World.

 Heort went to the last Combat with his clan Fyrd, but he lost his way, because Chaos could cut down their world from distance and made a crack, and he strayed the way from his Clan and even from his most beloved, Ivarne, and he finally noticed he was alone. Though the trick of Chaos led him to the same shortcut which Hengall first found without intention. He realized he stood at the Edge of the World, where the Sky and the Earth crossed after Umath divided them. He realized he also became a Giant, and he found Hengall. And Heort knew his tale.

 Heort and Hengall traded proper Greetings though it became already useless custom, for they were too good orlanhi to ignore proper Greetings, Hengall realized Heort was a descendant of his brother, Korol, and soon he recovered the memory of his home. Though he realised all of his known people went to Underworld, he asked many about Vingkotling after he left, Heort taught him all he knew, though he of course knew he must come back to his clan soon, he felt great pity to this tired warrior.

 Eventually, Heort's tale went to the Last Royal Betrayal of King Rastagar, and Betrayal of Eurmal to Orlanth in the Underworld, Hengall was greatly shocked by his tale, because it seems his long struggle against the First Crack to the Chaos falling to useless, abruptly Hengall fell to silent, and talked Heort about the First Crack of Hell,

"This Crack was made," Hengall said, "when Havan Vor was killed by Eurmal.
Kinstrife always induce Chaos into Inner World. While Orlanth murdered Yelm, or Ragnaglar sacrificed Malia for inviting Wakboth to our World, the Crack opened more."
"But how Eurmal can be a kin of Havan Vor? Or how Orlanth can be a kin of
Yelm? They aren't any blood relative!"

"You don't understand where is here. Here is the Terminus Est of all of
Existence where all of living things are relatives in blood. Chalana Arroy taught me when all of living things are all descendants of Rasdandar and Urgarndar. She taught me she will teach my grandfather about Yelm now ruled in Underworld. That is why he went to Lightbringer's Quest. If I permit myself Chaos to trespassing to this gate, our world will perfectly shatter."

 Heort fell to silent, and asked to his Great-Grand uncle,
"Anyway, I now want to go back to my clan, though you may think I am merely
a petty selfish nephew, and you met a crisis maybe all of your long work come to none. What is your advice?"

"Now I know all of mystery of the Sky and the Earth because the Star which
shining in my heart, I now know how I can reach to the place where my grandfather is enslaved. I can go there and rescue him from the pit. If someone substitute my place and watch here while I should be from here."

 Heort shuddered with dread watching the Void, but he realized what he should do. He took the Star from the breast of Hengall and put it on his own breast, and armed with his weapon and armor.

 Hengall showed wicked smile to Heort, and suddenly disappeared from his sight. Heort sighed but felt minions of Chaos closed to his position.

 Orlanth lay down inside the Pit of Obsidian Palace, full of mud and dust, without any treasure and torc which taught his position. Hengall came there by the route which passed through outside of World, he tricked Heort because he well knew he could not rescue Orlanth, for Orlanth's body was too big even for him and the Guard of Pit was locking Orlanth very severely, Hengall enjoyed the freedom and closed to his grandfather, spitting at Orlanth. Orlanth opened his eyes.

"You poisoned me." Hengall angrily spoke to Great God, "You permited the
Kolatdottirs to poison me. And I have fought helplessly while my brothers and sisters, even cottars enjoyed their lives, you boasted in the joyous feast in the Karulinoran while you know well I drank only my own blood and ate only dust."

"I didn't choose you." Orlanth spoke silently, "They told me they would
choose most virtuous and honorable from my kinfolk, I was happy that I could not expect who they would pickup from one of my children, I don't think they wronged."

"Why didn't you teach me? I always hated the witches and the man who
wronged me. Even Swords of Death have enjoyed the honor of fighting, even Crazy Uroxi knew friendship which I never have known fighting side by side! I have fought lonely!"

"It is natural you hate me." Orlanth replied, "Do you want a render from
me? But now I can't repay anything for you now. You would soon realize who poisoned you. And I could not fight by side for you because I had to rule Storm Tribe. "

 Hengall smiled wickedly,
"I am now free because Heort of the Winter Deer foolishly substituted my
place, it seems our defeat is so decisive, I now consider about siding with Chaos. Why should I fight if my kin forget my battle?"

"No one can make you do anything." Orlanth replied, "I will never blame you
even if you abandon us now. Because I love you so much."

 Hengall was shocked by this statement.

"There is no freedom without responsibility, if you don't want want to
become Eurmali. And Heort didn't forget your name, did he?" Orlanth taught him what would do for him if Orlanth succeed, and taught him about still Eurmal was free in the members of Lightbringer's Quest.

"I'll wait here, and I am not still dead." Orlanth taught him, "What will you do?"

 Hengall shuddered, and went back to the Edge of the World, where Heort still helplessly fought against Predark. Orlanth smiled weakly and closed his eyes.

 Heort nearly died for Chaos wounded him several places, he was not so great warrior as Hengall when he returned to his position. Heort asked him about Orlanth and Hengall replied, "He is not dead, and waits something." After Hengall took back his Star and all of minions of Chaos, Hengall taught him how he should do after he went back to his clan. He taught him how he could unite the survived Races of Universe, and he taught him how he could go back.

"But I cannot abandon this battlefield!" Heort objected weakly. Hengall
smiled but forced him to leave. And asked him which he would choose, his own Clan or all of other Heortlings.

"Your clan won't survive if you choose this option, for the sacrifice of
lives of Other Vingkotling clans." Hengall told him. "For your subjects never treat properly your children, by jealous, they'll deprive your legacy and leave your throne. Children of you and Ivarne will not succeed your throne."

"I'll go the same way of you." Heort fell silent for a while but replied,
"You sacrificed yourself for Vingkotling, what a small sacrifice is it compared to your agony? Perpetual Fight without any honor, no hope, and without any friend?"

 Hengall smiled again, and kicked him down to one of holes to reach Surface World. Hengall shouted to falling Heort,

"Teach your people not to forget me and this Edge of World again!"

 Heort realized he was in the midst of many of members of his clan, all of them miraculously sensed what he experienced, and other races, Elves, Dwarves, Dragonewts, River Folks were there and fought the minions of Chaos side by side, Elmal over the Kero Fin shone again that was all of minions of Chaos defeated by the Unity.

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