Jane you mentioned writing up the vingans: I 'd be happy to follow from your lead but add a few ideas to the mix, if that's okay.
I'm with Jane about Broyan and Kallyr. But there's a third possibility.
Greg has mentioned that Broyan is nearly killed during the Bat Blat - a chaotic mind blast at the moment of victory. This will have him out of action for months afterward. There will be a leadership vacuum in this period: in the maneuvering Kallyr will be called to account for her rebellion and lack of victory, and to justify her authority. Beiti will no doubt come to the fore, Scathach will impose her considerable will over the Volsaxi, and several other contenders will rise to prominence and who we really should detail. Some will catch a spear in reel three of course: perhaps a male Broyan 2IC, an Orlanthi temple disciple, and a little known adventurer leader. There will be much politicing and thunder in the spear moots as the progress and form of the defence is debated.
Whatever the heroquest agenda, Kallyr may make some hard decisions in this period that put her in opposition to other potential leaders. She may leave when a) her followers have gotten the majority of non-combatants to safety, b) Broyan has recovered and resumed leadership, and c) she is tasked with preparing for post-Whitewall events.
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