Re: The Dreams of Dragons...

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_wOdgXp3a-tTyhUsMlM2dfFo__4hl3SM5pvFTtEv7C5AUpTHEt6Ro8evR1mZsOiiUQ1Rw>
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2009 09:33:19 -0000

> In the second age Alkoring Dragonbreaker killed a couple(?) of True
> (?). How was he able to, they are quite big.?

Alakoring never kills a True Dragon. He kills several powerful EWF draconic beings, and most significantly, he kills mighty Isgangdrang the Diamond Storm Dragon, the most powerful member of the Eternal Dragon Ring.

Alakoring does it by calling on Orlanth's Dragon Killing powers, the flip side of Orlanth's Dragon Head (that big green draconic star that is part of Orlanth's Ring). The EWF believed that the Dragon Head proved Orlanth was a dragon; Alakoring proved that Orlanth had the Dragon Head because he cut it off Sh'arkazeel when he killed the Cosmic Dragon.


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