Re: White Bear Empire

From: Todd Gardiner <todd.gardiner_at_lGM7aU8IrEmYerz6LB7pob3V-jsioLd4TNaCqDppZgiqrjmrrrnc6m11UFz8bu>
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 19:09:23 -0800

When you say "winter" in this explanation, when exactly do you mean? Do they wake up in the last days of Storm season, just in time to perform the Sacred Week ceremonies of their tradition? Or do you mean just Dark season? --Todd

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Peter Metcalfe <>wrote:

> At 03:02 p.m. 3/03/2009, you wrote:
> > What was the White Bear Empire? It seems to show up a couple of times
> >in Fronela. driving out Lunar refugees and the Carmanians from the
> >Janube river cities. White Bear seems to be our happy friends to the
> >north, but empire?
> The White Bear Empire is really a lot of Rathori fighting rather
> than an actual empire. Normally Rathori sleep all winter but
> a few may worship the White Bear to remain awake. So when
> you see sources speaking of the White Bear Empire, what is
> really happening was a whole lot of Rathori just fought during
> the winter with fatal consequences for their enemies.
> The foes of the White Bear warriors weren't lunars - rather they
> were the Carmanians oppressing the lunar refugees and other
> people in the area.
> --Peter Metcalfe

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