Re: Fronela, The Abiding Book, and Castes

From: L C <lightcastle_at_wmiTbf5WTOR41orzMW2Z3iBnD7M0USJexdW4dqG9nQamNZtTAXJ-H6GKtKQ6RNAm>
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 13:40:31 -0400

Which makes me very happy.

(Wait, that sounded very bloodthirsty, didn't it?)

ttrotsky2 wrote:

>Yes, knighthood is an invention of Hrestol. Whether knights are the
entire fighting caste, just the upper echelons of it,
>or something else entirely, is the sort of thing that Malkioni sects
like to argue and kill each other over.            

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