Re: Caste

From: Greg Stafford <glorantha1_at_POhmIArzoNsTNwzXrag4zYblXyHZyWf4M4ZbSMZwszD_LwTTqUWs1M0cYuv0ETOKv>
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 07:45:05 -0700

YGWV On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 6:09 PM, L C <> wrote:

> ttrotsky2 wrote:
> >Rokari wizards are infused with the power of God by virtue of their
> bloodline, so that one's not generally a problem. Of course, they can be
> rubbish at other aspects of being a wizard (the whole celibacy >thing,
> for instance, can be a burden).
> Hmm, is "wizard=celibate" a Rokari thing? And all Rokari wizards aren't
> considered priests, are they?

Actually, they are not. All priests, however, are magic-users, (specialized holy men within the Church), and all wizards and sorcerers are as well. Wizards = holy people within the organization of the Church, sorcerers = holy people outside the organization of the Church.

The nature of Malkionism is that the physical world is evil and corrupt, and interacting with it is evil and corrupt, to be avoided. Chastity follows the latter ideas. However, not everyone is expected to maintain such high morals, and the lower orders can get married, etc. Higher orders, however, require chastity to work their grimoires. Some require a 100% history of chastity.

 >Knights are raised from infancy to get used to that sort of thing,
> although being allergic to horses does rather dent your career
> prospects, I agree. But, yes, that sort of thing must still happen
> occasionally.
> Also, for them knights are just the best of the soldiers, right?

Best? maybe on the field, but they are a terrible waste for garrison duty, etc.

So you
> could be allergic to horses and just a soldier in the Rokari, right?


Greg Stafford
Game Designer

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