Re: What lies beneath Alda Chur???

From: jeffrichard68 <richaje_at_4graJxm2kj0IRBzGE13ZffR6ymAwcOsZWIXmMbOifAerJmAbycubZ4bDGpIBYSQ13eM->
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 06:42:26 -0000

In Prax they worshiped a fading sky god who was later revealed by a Sartarite companion of Dorasor to be Yelmalio.

> Nevertheless, some of the Far Walkers worshiped Yelm in some other way already. When they found the long abandoned temple to Yelm they consecrated it, not as a Yelmalian sun dome temple but as an alter for the worship of Yelm.

I doubt there was a Second Age temple to Yelm in the Far Point - this was in the heart of Orlanthland. Maybe a shrine to Tharkantus, a war god of the EWF. Maybe to some other Fire/Sky god of purely local significance. Maybe to some star or planet. But not Yelm.

> What form did this take?

The settlers worshipped Elmal. He is the Orlanthi Sun God after all. Maybe they had a cult of Elmal of Alda Chur, or Elmal the Exile, or Elmal the Defiant, or whatever. But it wouldn't have been until after 1496 (and likely significantly after that date), that the Aldachuri came into significant contact with lowland Pelorian sun cults as described in King of Sartar.



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