Re: Do cities (tribes, countries....) have runes?

From: allen <richaje_at_AFhbCKd_jgPO7z8LMcDX7tvBijLsBMXf3ELt3ORZAvIkdJInZ1xIoAR3-ozvyyd1GCiy>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 15:54:08 -0000

> Sorry, I was not being clear...I was conflating the city with its patron wyter, god, demon, etc. Then again, I think of the two as inectricably tied together, and I assume that the supernatural has an effect on the character of the mundane. So that a city with a patron being with the storm rune will tend to have a character that is is appropriately tempestuous. Maybe that is a bad assumption.

Can't be that bad of an assumption - I use it! The lesser gods who are the patrons of clans, tribes or cities have runic associations and will tend to define the community they protect somewhat.


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