Re: The mapping of Glorantha

From: Todd Gardiner <todd.gardiner_at_jB2N1XdDxq6tY5-kUQH1BgMlsyWopXywVTh_I8qXC0-J4DHOvUgS0iDfoGborZ>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 16:35:34 -0800

Ah yes, forgot the most important tip.

If you value computer performance, do NOT turn all of the images on at once. Nor should you check the top level folder as "on", since this also turns all of the images on at once.

If you do so, you have to wait for nearly every image to download from the internet before you computer becomes functional again. Better to do this in small batches. Besides, the images are all overlapping, you probably won't get much out of seeing them all at once.


On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 3:31 PM, Todd Gardiner <>wrote:

> Speaking of maps, here is another Google Earth file...
> I have made a half scale mapping of Genertela on Google Earth and centered
> it in the Pacific again. This should reduce the measurement distortion,
> although you did need to multiple any measurement you get by two.
> If this interests you, please download Google Earth from
> and then get the file I created from the
> WorldofGlorantha yahoo group files.
> --Todd Gardiner
> (Who obvious works with Google Earth for a living.)

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