Re: More Westerners' stuff

From: hcarteau_at_jVqhVy_CWEo_kQ_E_CeWoAAz9JSdg4_b_rDXGL72-6ola3_NFuey9ApmpVVuxYu9xtO
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 22:35:41 +0100 (CET)

To explain my views on Medievalism in MRQ's Fronela, I think quite a lot of the Medievalism here comes when you get to Sog City.
/// Sog City feels like RW Constantinople / Byzance (can't remember the name in english) around year 800 to me. In fact, "medieval" covers a period of 1000 years in RW history, which means it's not a useful term. My West is early middle age, around the time of Charlemagne, when feudalism is still in formation stage.
Within Hrestolism I always wondered about the extent to which the son of a pig farmer spent his time in the labouring caste in the same way as the son of a squire, the son of a scrivener or the son of a Count?
/// In my Loskalm, there is not set time to be spent as a Dronar : when your mentors say you are ready, you are. The Watchdog Council makes sure nobody gets an easy pass. Or they try to. I'm not sure there isn't a "proto-caste" where you can stay if you don't even want to, or can't, become a fully responsible dronar.
Also, maybe some dronari get "promoted" to guardians against their will. They don't want to become a Guardian, or a Guardian doesn't want to become a Man of All. What happens then ?

Are Hrestoli clergy celibate, or do they have sons too?
/// Readers are members of all classes (they don' use the word "caste"), so all non-zzaburi can and do have children. Zzaburi don't have children (and can't have sex) during their studies - flesh distracts the Mind.

Was it easier for the son of a minor lord to do their time as as someone's page rather than hewing wood and drawing water, for example?
/// Being a page is no easy job (think of all the horse shit you have to shovel, yes it's part of the job), particularly in Loskalm where the Man of All has to live by example and must show the world how fairly he treats his squire (work him hard, train him hard, etc). I don't think squires have an easy life. And they do cut wood and haul water pails around in the field too !

Likewise were acolythists like interns (who eventually expected to be wizards in their own right), or was it a skilled trade that someone might pursue throughout their working life?
/// Indeed some acolythists are "low-level magicians" all their lives. They know useful cantrips, and even spells, are useful to their community and have a place there. But they never demonstrate their Understanding of Hrestol's teachings, or they never can reach Joy during readings, and thus remain low-level. Not all acolythists go on to become Guardians, then Men of All, then Wizards.

Does this mean that there is no veneration or worship of any other kind (other than furtive paganism) amongst either the Hrestoli or Rokari? Also how can one have atheist 'liturgists'? (Unless the point is that there are no liturgists in the New West).
/// This is my main "block" about the New West. To solvei it, I see the higher castes (zzaburi and talari) as very intellectual and understanding the Universe is impersonal, with proper living based on respecting its Laws (Logic). But I see the dronari (and horali) masses being told easier-to-understand, more personified catechism, with an Invisible God that watches over all, during Readings. And the elites don't care a fig about that dross.
Do most Third Age Malkioni see themselves as atheists in the way that, say, Brithini do?
/// Some do, some don't. Being intellectual and Logical doesn't mean being a nihilist.
That said I can see what Herve means about even monotheists from the West seeming like atheists to people from the barbarian belt-- and about atheism being so incomprehensibly weird, and wrong, to Gloranthan theists.
/// No feelings, no love, no pride. Evil-looking bastards who mumble all the time, dress oddly and can make your cows go dry with their evil eye. Get the tar and feathers.

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