Re: Dara Happans and Time

From: Glass <glass_at_...>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 14:56:01 -0000

> Yes, but one does not experience Plentonius' chronology. It is an intellectual construct, an attempt by those in Time to being order and understanding to the Mystery of the God Time. Yelm's Enthronement is eternal and constantly reoccurring. Sure Plentonius places that event to be 111,000 years before the Dawn, but it is also happening right now at the Raibanth ceremony.

This is both fabulous and elegant. I remember being horrendously confused by the formal migration maps of the mythic ages but eventually settled into an "archaeological" perspective on the crush and wonder of pre-dawn civilizations.

Overjoyed to hear the tales of Helering fleets, Anaxialites, Manimat (dynasty) and so on are "still true" but after a different (Eliadean) fashion.

Only the heroquesters know for sure. And they are sure of what they experience. Outside the rites, Plentonius can at best suppose.            

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