Xemela and Froalar : the dirty secrets

From: hcarteau_at_...
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 10:20:22 +0200 (CEST)

One of the key things in this story IMO is to determine whether Froalar married the pagan goddess after/because Xemela died/sacrificied herself, or Xemela left him to her self-sacrifice because he was dallying with said pagan goddess. And did their son, Hrestol, became what he was out of spite for his wife-swapping father, or admiration for his selfless mother ?

Imagine a Quest to the Other Side to See these events and finding out Hrestol's dirty family secrets. The rokari church would eat this up, and use them to show how they were a bunch of bastards. The idealists would do their best (as usual) to See the Glory of this Perfect Family. Imagine both Quests meeting on the Other Side, because... of some great ritual anniversary, for instance, when all malkioni gather. What will come out of this ???            

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