Re: Second Age Seven

From: Chris Lemens <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 15:33:53 -0700 (PDT)

Dr Science (Science!) responding to I forget whom:
> "What did the God Learners shout as they charged those pre-Lunar heptads? I doubt they associated the number with the finger goddesses (mostly lost and
> waiting for Entekos, if I recall). Were all their sevens shoehorned into classical Theyalan lightbringer associations?"
> Maybe the Lightbringer quest itself has some unknown Lunar basis?  :-)  Somehow the Goddess, in order to heal the Orlanth/Yelm rift (as her first action to
> heal the now wounded world) was behind it!
At some point, I had a theory that there had been six ages. (The Dawn started the sixth.) Each age had a Malkioni-like numeric devolution. In the first age, there was one, but two was coming, so the magic of two had power. In the second age, there were two, but three was coming, so the magic of three had power. More specifically, the fifth age was the Storm Age, when the sixth magics had power. One sixth magic was storm, the sixth element. I had a bunch of reasons why this worked well, but I've long forgeotten them. But, if the sixth age starts with the power of seven -- the light bringers -- one would expect other seven-magics to have power, too. So, it wouldn't be so much lunar sevens as part of the underlying meta-magic. My Glorantha varies, obviously.  

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