Re: Yelmic Illumination

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 10:27:01 +1200

On 6/16/2013 10:01 AM, Simon Phipp wrote:

> The Red Emperor seems to have used the Poor Woman's Son as a HeroQuest to create The Conquering Daughter while in hiding from Sheng Seleris.

The Poor Woman's Son was used against the Red Emperor by Desderius, a relative of the late
Emperor Yelmgatha, in the first wane. If it is a HeroQuest, the original would have been
performed back in the Godtime rather than have been invented by Karvanyar but the relevant
myth is not yet clear.

An example might be Murharzarm's defeat of Nestendos (the hostile power) and the gaining
of Oslira (daughter of the hostile power, now part of the mythic landscape).

--Peter Metcalfe

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