The Sun of Teshnos...

From: Peter Metcalfe, CAPE Canty <>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1994 13:44:39 +1300


On the Caste system of Teshnos.

>How exactly do you define 'caste'? Do you change your caste when you get an
>elder and switch to Zitro Argon/ the 'priestly' caste ? Or are you born into
>your caste and stay there ?

I understand Nils is following the Hindi caste justification. That is the latter case. The idea that you become an elder and switch castes is good, but what if somebody has worshipped Calyz or Solf (ie spaced out) all his life? Zitro would never speak to anybody again...

NW>> The question where the women belong is a more difficult one. They might go NW>> for the deity of their caste.

>Women worshipping Somash ? Well, nah, can't bite this. I even think that the
>old women worship Zitro Argon indirectly via >Ourania<.

A good idea. I'm thinking of the Gods of Teshnos as being a truer approximation of god the higher you go up in the caste.

NB>> Sedenya.

>(Who ?) Is she the sun goddess of all the elves, including the embyli ?
>I think I'm lacking your source here.

She's mentioned in the GRAY. I don't know where she is mentioned as a Sun Goddess of the Elves. Nick is no doubt Gregging us.

PM>> ..., I was thinking that we make the sun goddess cult primarily a minor
PM>> cult in scope. Ie there are no lavish temples to her. At the most there
PM>> would be something like a shinto shrine at which one leaves offerings in
PM>> every city.

>Do you mean "shrine" as defined by the RQ-term (ie 75-225 people singing ha-
>lelluja on holy days at this spot) ? Or shrine as generic for "temple" ?

I meant in generic as in temple. I said shrine to emphasize their lack of power.

PM> I'm thinking that caste strictures do apply to women, ...

>And thus are eligible to worship Somash or Zitro Argon directly ? Please ex-
>pand on "caste strictures".

I meant that woman who are born in one caste are treated as marriage fodder by the men of that caste. They would worship different gods than the men.

PM> Calyz' association with sex in this case makes me feel queasy ...

>I think I'm missing your (obvious ?) point. Explain please.

Nils has said that Teshnos has two populations: the Night Caste and the Day castes. Now as the Day castes were descendants of original solar invaders, it just clicked to me what Calyz's associations (ie fire, cooking and sex) really were in the old days of the occupation; ie something like Rape and Cannibalism. It seems to have been softened/civilized in the time since then...

Me>> The truths were, sorry, THE TRUTH (tm?) was reestablished by Soravatoor
Me>> the Son of Heaven. It appears that Teshnos has suffered some disruption
Me>> during the God's War.

>The important question is: When did this reestablishment happen ? IMO in God-
>time, perhaps as far back as shortly after the retreat of Zitro Argon beyond
>the sky dome.

Agreed. When Umath tore apart Heaven and Earth. The foundation of Dara Happa derives from this event as well although Vantestos (the Red King) complicates things a bit IMO. For Teshnos, it seems that Soravatoor brought about the Way of Zitro Argon at this time. How it survived the Chaos invasion is probably a stroke of luck.

PM> [Aldrya's parents] Actually it's Ernalda and Flamal according to the God PM> Learners.

>Hmmm, I have to have look at my books. Can you point me to a reference for
>this ?

Aldrya is mentioned as Flamal and Ernalda's parents in the Cult Writeup in Elder Secrets, I think. I'll look it up for you.


What is DBHE?

Dara Happan Book of Emperors. An edition was sold at the Convulsion but the book (90% complete like the GRAY) is going to be available from Wizard's Attic in January. It's a collection of Dara Happan Emperor Lists and maps of Peloria from Time immemorable. Rumoured to cost $20.00 plus postage.


>Re: female sun deity
> That'd certainly mess with certain people's heads. That's
>enough by itself to make me all for it.

I'm working hard at getting the 'Scanners' effect _just_ right...

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