Malkioni monasteries and marriage matters

From: T.J.Minas <>
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 1994 15:51:07 +0000 (GMT)

Hello again all, on the new Digest. After reading all the last 2 weeks editions on a "catch-up" special (Pulp Fiction joke warning!), I have a couple of comments on some of the points raised about bloodlines and Malkion marriage, monasteries/convents etc

   The medieval church in Europe originally had a definition of consanguinuity that stretched 7 generational links! This was largely ignored, except when convenient to obtain an annulment (divorce being unavailable), especially amongst the noble classes, and after the Black Death reduced the population so much that such artificial limitations on marriage choice became impractical. A 3 generational link limit was then more commonly adopted, and was adhered to rather more strictly. There were other limitations, too, such as not marrying your brother's widow etc. (Henry VIII's first excuse for a divorce...!)

   I would suspect then that the Rokari might insist on the 7 generational limit, with special dispensations etc available from the Ranking Ecclesiarch, whilst the Hrestoli and others might only stipulate the 3 gen limit.

   As for Monks.Nuns, please note that becoming the Abbot of a major monastery could well be a major social advance, and a possible route to further advancement in the Church. One of the highest positions of influence and power achievable by a woman in early medieval Europe was that of Abbess, answerable to no-one except her Bishop, the Pope and the Monarch, generally.

   Monasteries provide a quiet haven from the world, and I would imagine that many Malkioni priests might retire to one for a while to engage in uninterrupted study, spending his time practising his sorcery skills, spells, etc.

   Also, on the point of celibacy for Priests, it was not until the C10-C12 that the practice of celibate clergy grew in western Europe, and Orthodox priests have always been allowed to marry. BUT, Monks weren't. This would suggest a different level of status in the church for monks. Perhaps by their devotion to the Invisible God they come closer to Solace and have no need of earthly pleasures. Monasteries might thus attract certain sorcerors who desired great expertise, and be centres of scholarly learning (lots of books for those World Lore studies etc), and even be routes of advancement. (From Abbot to Bishop is not unknown, and because he has now left the Monkhood, the new Bishop might be permitted to marry..?)

   Additionally, convents have always been useful places for disposing of unwanted, unmarriageable daughters of nobles etc. So, given Sandy's limitations on female marriage for Malkioni women, this could be one way of getting rid of those annoying excess daughters! Potentially, too, it is a possible route for poor lower caste women to rise upwards. Adoption of a new name and position on entry to the convent could be ritualised as a new birth into the Wizard caste..?

Enough thoughts. Any comments?

                  Bye for now. 


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