Dart competitions

From: Loren Miller <loren_at_hops.wharton.upenn.edu>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 01:18:53 -0500 (EST)

I am also unable to figure what it is that sets dart competitions apart from inter-house or inter-clan warfare. I think that in Carmania they are required to wear bells and bright colors, but that doesn't explain how, for instance, you could destroy an entire noble house without actually attacking them at home. Otherwise how would you kill the non-combatant members like the house leader and his or her advisor? I have heard distant tales of a description of dart wars that was found in a copy of wyrms footnotes sometime, but never having seen such magazine I remain unenlightened. And I remember a curiously unenlightening sidebar in one issue of TotRM, but knowing that Harrek was a dart warrior doesn't actually help much. Perhaps a few more anecdotes about dart wars would help lift the fog.

Oh you jealous loremasters, please part the curtain of my ignorance and let me know how the dart wars work.

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