Vampire Spells

From: ian (i.) gorlick <"ian>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 1995 08:52:00 -0500

Stephen Watson about Vampires' stolen spells

Personally, I still have some doubts that vampires can steal magic, but I'll assume they can for the sake of argument.

I would feel that a vampire would "taste" the magic as he ripped it from the victim. Possibly even some other physical sensations would be felt, like a fearful burning when he steals a Sunspear.

This might not give him precise knowledge of the spell, but it should give him very strong clues. Combine this with some research about the victim and the victim's cult affiliations, and I assume that a reasonably clever vampire will know what spells he has stolen and what they are good for.

>That vampire wandering around with Second Mouth doesn't
>know it's useless to him.

You're assuming the vampire is male. A female vampire could get a very large bloodmeal very rapidly with Second Mouth. (Evil scenario possibilities are leaping to mind...)

I liked the Arrolian stuff and eagerly await more of the material from HtWwO.

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