Sun Domer Joy Boys

Date: Wed, 08 Feb 1995 20:49:03 +1100

G'day Everyone,


As the person who got the terms "joy-boy" and "pillow-biter" past the AH censors (Sun County), I will wade into the topic here, albeit briefly. As I hope 'Sun County' and Mike Dawson's brilliant scenario 'Gaumata's Vision' (see 'Shadows on the Borderlands') gets across, the puritanical and patriarchal theocratic society of the Sun Domers is but a veneer over all sorts of corruption and sin, including (to the orthodox Sun Domer's point-of-view) homosexuality. There are rumours about the Count, but nothing definite. Likewise, the rumour now goes about that Vega Goldbreath, the only female Light Son/Lady is actually a man in drag: remember, the cult write-up forbids Light Sons disguising themselves as women, and why have such a rule if there isn't a problem of rampant transvestiticism/ cross-dressing in their august ranks? While homosexuality is a crime in Sun County, even in their law books the sun Domers coyly describe it as "the bestial crime against nature", much in the same way the Tasmanians here still, even in 1995, do, much to the embarassment of most mainlander Aussies.

RQ Con Down Under

Already got half-a-dozen foreigners eager to sign up, in addition to the GoH Mr Stafford and Special Guests, David Hall, Nick Brooke and Kevin Jacklin. If you've been looking for that excuse to come down here and see kangaroos, koalas and other weird fauna, not to mention Harbor Bridges and Opera Houses, now you've got it! The con's in summer too, so nice weather all round...

Ea-mail me if you want to know more!



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