Re: Elf Forests

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 95 17:41:50 -0600

Peter M.
>There seems to be a natural limit on how much a land a Forest
>Council can govern. Errinoru's Empire incorporated several such
>concils and maintained strict control over them via pherome
>secretions. Yet the Woods of Enkloso which is just as large seems
>to have only one Forest Council. I'm curious as to how they
	There are a number of facts affecting the answer.
	First off, the limit on a forest is not size, but ecology.  
This does tend to change with size, as a large forest's weather patterns, animal life, etc. alters over a large geographic area.

        Second, Errinoru's Empire spread from Laskal to Dinal. The main Enkloso woods is far smaller, only takes upmaybe a third of Enkloso. The Vralos woods are larger, and have separate councils. For that matter, the various small separated forests in Enkloso do have separate councils.

        Third, the elves of Enkloso are brown, while the elves of Errinoru were yellow. Those of Vralos are mainly green. Species difference reflect forest differences. The councils of a yellow elf jungle are only superficially similar to those of a brown elf deciduous forest.

        Finally, the elves of Enkloso have long forged an alliance with humans, and they have found it useful to incorporate a general Forests Council which acts as a general coordinating body between the various groups of elves and allied humans. There are even humans on this council. It is not the same as the Forest Council of the main elf woods, BUT the personnel overlap considerably -- in fact, every single member of the main Enkloso forest's Council is on the general council, and the main forest, as most authoritative elf body, in effect guide the rest. Since the elves counsel together in their own private forest council before meeting with the humans, it may seem as though there is only one forest council and it is that of the biggest woods (dang, I wish I could remember its name), but to the elves there is a difference.

Sandy P.

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