What the War priest told me

From: ramos_at_crpp.u-bordeaux.fr
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 21:36:13 GMT

What the War Priest says:
	Where did the world come, sir?
	We do not know. But that does not matter, trooper. What matters is
where it goes. And it goes to Hell. All of it. And that is what we are here for.
	Where did I come from, sir?
	We took you, after you passed the trials. I do not know what you were
before the trials, but now you are one of us, Death's chosen.
	Why do we die, sir?
	Everything dies. Even the gods, although they do not know it yet. Death
is The End. Life has had its time, and we are here to finish it. When all else is dead, Death itself will die.
	What happens after death, sir?
	If you are one of us, nothing, oblivion. That is why it does not matter
what you do. But if you are gonna die, take some of them with you. Soon all will join us in oblivion.
	Why I am here, sir?
	You are here to bring the gift of Death to the world. To ensure that
everything will die with us. To destroy, destroy, destroy.
	How do I do magic, sir?
	Magic is just another weapon. As your body can use different weapons,
so your mind can use different magics. As with weapons, it is better to master only one at first, and later study the others. I will show you all you need to know of magic.
	I have heard of other powers, sir. What about them?
	The world is filled with creatures that refuse to die, and gods that
support them to keep on existing. It is our duty as servants of Death to show them the true meaning of Life, Death.

... Chaos?

        Chaos is a sneaky foe, as it is outside Life and Death. Destroy it always, as it can break the rules of Death.

... The Creator?

        According to some, one god made everything. That is certainly possible, as everything we know has a beginning and an end. If so, Death is the end, and we are its tools. You can get a good magic with much work.

... Dwarfs?

        Our allies. Their time has not yet come, but will be destroyed, as anything else.

... Earth?

        Some slaves worship the ground that feeds them. They are but tools in our hands. As such let them be till they are of not use, and then dispose of them as you see fit. But remember that it is them that feed you, clothe, help you.

... Elves?

        Elves are the warriors of the forest. They are very close to their gods, which strengthens the elves, but weakens the god. Destroy all the forests of the world, and the elves and their gods will disappear forever. But their time has not yet come.

... Moon?

        The Red Moon in the sky is the symbol of a powerful Empire in the East. They say they have conquered Death and Chaos. Those I have met certainly had not conquered Death. However they are many, powerful and organized. Still too much work to do.

... The Sun? A symbol of Life, it dies and ressurrects everyday. One
day we will reach the gates of Dawn, and he will not return.

	Dangerous. They know Death, but most do not serve It. Hard and cunning
as their gods, we will have to be decisive when we meet, and wipe them quick.

... Other gods?
Some foreigners worship corrupt forms of the True Death. Beware, as
they can contaminate your ways. Most worship some useless spirit. Those are not dangerous, as anybody with experience can tell you. When we kill everybody, the gods themselves will die.

End of Glorantha Digest V2 #249

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