Short Questlines Review

From: Michael Raaterova <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 14:16:30 +0100

Hi folks -

I got Questlines (the latest pub from our favourite Megagorp, the Retching Moan) from John today, and i thought i'd tell you why you should all go out and buy when it comes commercially available.

Graphics and layout is very good. Art by Dan Barker, all of which are reprints, though, except Bloody Jeff, the RQ Con Down Under Official Mascot; and lots of cool computered graphics from John's twisted mind.

Throughout the book there are marginal notes by the scribe, Afal Aldusson, also called the Pagemaker, who has compiled the whole book. Finally, we can find out what Trollkin urine is used for.

FICTION AND MYTHS (Always welcome in any glorantha book):

FACTS (Or, they pretend to be facts):

* King of Sartar - a critical review by Olvir Nitpicker/Oliver Dickinson,
who presents some justified vivisections of Argrath(s). If you didn't know who Argrath really was, you probably still won't, but know you have quotes for it.

PRAX(IS) - A GAMEMASTER'S HANDBOOK. Three antipodean suggestions for exploring the old lozenge:

ON SNAKEPIPE'S EDGE - A CAMPAIGN BASE. Though all of the material is about Far Point, lots of it can be adapted for other orlanthi campaigns:

Lastly, Andrew Bean surveys the unofficial Gloranthan sources available today and points us to where we can find them. Which is pretty useful for people who are unfortunate enough not to know about this Digest.

This was not an in-depth review, but my impressions of it. The book contains nothing bad, and most of the stuff is eminently useful. David Hall will take a load of copies of Questlines back to Europe from RQ Con Down Under, so presumably he will also be the European distributor of them. For the US i don't have a clue. I also don't know the price tag of a copy, but money spent on a copy of Questlines are well invested.

So, go out and buy it when it becomes available.

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