4th age debate

From: Harald Smith (617) 724-9843 <"Harald>
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 1996 18:25:00 -0500 (EST)

  Brian comments:
> When we get right down to brass tacks this entire argument is based on
  supposition and inference. Not one solid fact. So my conclusions are   no more groundless than the ones reached by Nick. Just because you   choose to agree or not to doens't kend either argument any more   creedence.   

  You have reached the core of the whole piece--it's all supposition and   inference (including KoS) and all based on the perspective you want to   bring to it. Since the argument seems to have reached the 'TIS/'TISNT   stage, I suggest that those who want to continue on in that vein take   the discussion offline.   

  I will make one final comment on the matter though. King of Sartar is a   nice reference, but it is a biased reference. It represents a knowledge   base from the Sartar/Tarsh region (even the northern documents are no   more northern than Tarshite in outlook). It's history is no more valid   than any other history since it is shaped by the views of those who   wrote it. The materials there present almost no knowledge of Dara   Happa, yet we know from both GRoY and FS and the developing pieces of   the Lunar works that there are tremendous amounts of territory still   being charted by Greg alone, not to mention work being done by others   such as myself which should add to our collective knowledge. These   pieces may not answer the 4th Age questions, but may suggest that more   occurred than meets the eye from the literal reading of KoS.   


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