Atyar, God of Crammers

Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 01:08:40 -0500 (EST)

Actually, I think Nick's outline of the temptation of Atyar for LM worshippers is brilliant! But I do believe that they destroy knowledge when they cram it: it "betters the curve." There was a well-known American history professor who is now barred from most archives and got the nickname of "the clip" because of his habit of cliiping things out of old records: an obvious Atyari.
Since this way of acquiring knowledge is short order must be suspected, I can imagine LM temples going into the equivalent of the movie "Stand and Deliver" when students do better than expected! And it shows why so many LM types start to fall -- an easy first step on the road to "Consume Mind," especially after the S.O.B. caught you cheating on the exam. But "consume mind" does not work on him, so . . . time to join the cult with something that works . . . thus Thanatar!, the multipurpose cult for lazy scholars! Yes, you have to live underground in the dark and do disgusting things in order to get ahead, but any grad student is used to that anyway . . . A nice sub-plot for the next "Lords of Wisdom" LARP, if it ever gets to our side of the water!
Jim Chapin
P.S. Isn't Nick one of the English "nicknames" for the Gloranthan entity known as Wakboth? Is the multiplication of this name, from devil of the stream to devil of chance or fate, telling us something? Beware!

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