Invisus Lanatum

From: mr happy <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 15:17:42 +0000 (GMT)

> From: Peter Metcalfe <>
> I don't think Invisible Orlanth is a school of sorcery. It's more like
> a mystical fighting cult (like Path of Immanent Mastery).

I've used IO NPCs & PCs. IMO they get sorcery spells similar to vanilla Orlanth spirit magic. They also get some divine magic. The cult Rune Lords are called Zephyroi, the Priests Boreai. The cult originated amongst self-consciously Orlanthi marginal pastoralists in Worion. I suppose like the Bulls of Brass it's a barbarian cult that happens to be in vogue.  

> Its initiates seek to become terrible fighting machines so that they
> can one day overcome the Sun God Idovanus who is the Creator in Carmanian
> Theology and achieve enlightenment.

I've always thought their fundamental myth was the LBQ with IdoVan standing for Yelm and IO mastering sorcery by saving Creation. How explicit was WoG on this? I don't like this killing machines idea. Sure, IO is a martial cult but it's an Orlanth variant also. I reckon codes of honour and rarified forms of various Orlanthi customs feature prominently in their conception of moral law.

> I think the core philosophy of the cult is only known by unconfirmed
> rumour outside its membership.

I reckon its got several competing "core" philosophies. Some initiates reckon IO is Orlanth healed by RG. Others see the cult as "Orlanth Strikes Back". Many are fashion victims and Kaufin Destrino just reckons it'll do more good than sitting on his hands when the Ban falls. - ------------
Andrew Behan

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