The Truths in Jonstown Compendium

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 96 01:30 MET DST

Mark Smylie on the Jonstown Compendium scraps from RQ Companion:

>Anyway, as the Harmast list above comes from one of the Jonstown
>Compendium portions, I suppose it needs to be taken with a certain grain of
>salt, in that there's a lot of ...well, perculiar stuff in the Compendium
>(such as the following: "The Sun folk have strict and peculiar beliefs,
>[...] That is why no man may join the cult of Yelm save he be
>born into it. Great Yelm worshippers after death are as priests of Dayzatar.
> The priests of Dayzatar upon their death go the heavens to dwell eternally."
> Don't know where that kind of statement would fit into the current Sun

Rather than answer that question, I'd pose a counter-question: Who do you think wrote this (self-important outside-observation) of which country's sun folk? How much of this is mis-interpretation, and how much is over-generalizing from possibly single examples?

>but the Compendium is full of little asides like that, including
>some funky stuff about Yelm and the Black Sun IIRC...).

Again, IMO one has to ask where in Glorantha this belief will be found. (Not whether; I doubt there are many believes not found in one corner of Glorantha...)

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