Weather, LBQ and end of war

From: Lost_Knight <101466.1212_at_CompuServe.COM>
Date: 13 Aug 96 15:56:02 EDT

Thank to the archives, I read the next part. (Thanks Loren)

Martin Laurie:
<<I see what you are getting at but I look at it from a GMs perspective. As a GM it really narks me not to know what these races get up to. Details are very important as they are superb source of scenrio information>>

Just few words to contribute to a (I hope, soon to be finished) war. I agree to most of what said Martin (definitly not Crim) Laurie. I'm not shocked at all by his words, they are only words. And also I like (and my players too) good medical description of what happens (especially in combat). It is one thing I really like in RQ (like in HarnMaster where I am a player), Is the fact that you can imagine very well what happend to your dear character (or to the opponent in font of you). And I think (IMHO) that it is the role of the GM to make the player FEEL what happens to his Character. It is easier to feel it when the GM says: "The mace made your ribs crack with an awfull noise of broken potery" (or something like that, I'm used to do that in french) rather than saying "You take 8 hit point in your left arm and you cannot use your sword anymore". All IMHO.

Well, I wonder if there is somewhere a chart of the possible weather for each season and for each region. The only thing I saw was just some crude information about the mean temperature and rainfall for each season. Is there any random chart of weather (like in Harn! (Oh this game again, someone will tell me that I am in the wrong mailing list!!)). If not, how do you decide how is the weather? Some help?

Also, some of you are talking about LBQ. But who are the last persons/gods with the well known one. They are Ginna Jar and the one called in French "L'Homme Chair" (I know It's annoying having some book in french and some in english). Where can I find more informations about these two? Please do not give me reference about old book or magazine that are impossible to buy!!

By the way, thanks Peter and Nick for your answer. I now have some idea of the subject and I'll feel more confortable the next time my players shall meet some of these weirdos.

Hope we'll see each other again

Manu, the lost knight of Slontos (and Wakhbot cut the communication between Slontos and the rest of the universe)

End of Glorantha Digest V3 #115

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