
From: Nick_Brooke_at_deloitte.touche.co.uk
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 96 15:37:59 PST

Here's a repost of something that got lost a while back. Sorry if it's not topical any more (the original sending was on 5 August; I have no idea what happened to it!).

Looks like Joerg put the cat among the pigeons with his hazia leak.      

The questions at the Lore Auction were asked by my colleague Chris Gidlow, in a temporary state of disbelief after reading somewhere in his "Home of the Bold" materials that hazia, a narcotic drug, was "of course" illegal. His reaction was that that's like having a book written in 1920s America saying that alcohol was "of course" illegal in some other time and place.      

As Loren has said before, when you want to understand why the Empire does something seemingly irrational, follow the money. Our own take on hazia has, therefore, been based on the idea that it is one of the Seven Imperial Monopolies. I'm working on a piece for Tales #16 (the Lunar Special) with the working title of "Letter from a Monopolist": a report from a merchant in Lunar Prax on the generally disappointing results obtained thus far from exploiting the local markets. The relevant parts are reprinted below:      

HAZIA: The Cradles Valley is suitable for growing Hazia, a plant which the natives of Sun County profess to abhor, nonetheless inhaling its smoke behind every convenient palm tree. This is no more than we would expect given the repressive parochial religion, a degenerate form of the Yelm cult. Our imported supplies are significantly more expensive than the local weed, on account of import duties and sales tariffs: we have argued that the Heartland brand is of higher and more consistent quality, but this has yet to penetrate the bony skulls of the locals. Moreover, there is a widespread perception among the valley-dwellers that Hazia itself is illegal in the Empire: heavy-handed tactics by the Pavis garrison confiscating home-grown supplies for their own use have lent credence to this rumour, and in consequence our legitimate traders from the Heartland have been harassed for selling completely legal, tax-stamped bundles of the substance. I recommend direct intercession with the Red Dancer of Power to seek a temporary reduction in the duty payable on Hazia, so as to safeguard the profits from our monopoly; this, together with a public celebration in Pavis to advertise the legality of Hazia, would do much to turn the situation around. In the longer term, developing Hazia plantations in the Grantlands would reduce transport costs and help move our account-books back into the red. (I cannot support having lobbying to have Hazia criminalised in the region solely to increase our profits on the blue market, although the suggestion has a certain superficial charm).      

So, this approach would have Hazia:


(1) Illegal in Sun County, under Sun County's local laws (and, pace
Ian G's piece, probably illegal there since time immoral);
(2) Illegal if produced anywhere in Prax, under the terms of the
Lunar monopoly agreement ("We have *exclusive* rights to produce and distribute hazia throughout Lunar Prax!");
(3) Illegal if produced anywhere else, *unless* the requisite duties
etc. are paid in full, and evidence of such payment is attached (possibly in triplicate);
(4) Illegal for certain occupations, classes of persons, etc. (which
is only common sense, after all);
(5) But otherwise legal, *if* you can find any legal hazia locally
("We've been having a few problems with distribution...").

I can't see why this would disrupt any "hazia smuggling" plots. Consider: the archetypal smuggler wore a tricorne hat and was regularly confronted by excise men, but sale of wines and spirits was completely legal at the time.      

Moreover, you can see from the "Letter" that some locals are assuming (from the way the Lunar garrison behave) that *all* hazia is criminal. Remember, it's early years yet in Lunar Prax: hard to see a stable status quo...      

Which is why we adventure there, I suppose.

====                             Come to where 
Nick                            the flavour is: 
====                           Mole Broo Country!


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