Elfsense II

From: Neil Smith <NSMITH_at_dmu.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 16:14:18 GMT

An addenum to my previous post. Elves will be able to explain the immediate reasons for their actions, but not the overall strategic plan. I don't think that was clear in my previous post. Hopefully an example will make it clearer:
Elf:	Give us some spades.
Human:	Why?
Elf:	We must dig up the Stone of Thlon.
Human:	What do you want to do that for?
Elf:	<Blank look>
Human:	Well?  What's the Stone for?
Elf:	<Pause>
	The Forest requires that we dig it up.  Now give us the spades.

Not exactly a sensible conversation, from the human's point of view.


Neil Smith                           E-mail:   nsmith_at_dmu.ac.uk
Junior Research Fellow, Computer Sci. Tel: (01908) 695511 x4145 De Montfort University, Milton Keynes Fax: (01908) 834948  http://www.mk.dmu.ac.uk/depts/dcis/research/res_rep/ken.htm

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